Mocking your mood with


This project will show you how to make integration tests for your app easily with Cypress.

This post was written in 2017, code might be old but should be still relevant

What we will do?

We will write some tests for a really simple app, that will show with emojis our current mood depending the day of the week.


(Tip: If you just want to check the code just navigate or clone this repo, as a disclaimer, it’s in spanish)

What’s up with Cypress?

Well, is really simple to use and it let me do something that i always tried to do and couldn’t (maybe i didn’t search a lot), stub the network requests responses. Sometimes we don’t have full control of the API so this is really helpful.


Let’s get this party started!

For this project we will use React, so we will use Create react app

🤓 Creating our project

npx create-react-app mood-of-the-day


This will install all the necessary dependencies for our project, now open the new folder that was created with your favorite editor. I will use VSCode, with my beautiful theme Styncy (own promotion disclaimer 😛)

🕐 Installing Cypress

Once that we already have our project created and opened, we will install Cypress, so, go to the terminal again (ensure that we are on the project directory) and run:

npm install cypress --dev

This will install Cypress as a dev dependency, this will take a while because it have to download the Cypress binary, meanwhile, we will continue with the other steps.


💫 Editing our app

We will edit our app to show a different mood that we will get from an unexisting API, depending which day of the week is. Open src/App.js and replace the content with the following code:

import React, { Component } from "react"; // Importing React

import logo from "./logo.svg"; // We will leave the React logo because i like it

import "./App.css"; // Importing the default styles from Create react app

class App extends Component {
  state = {
    mood: null, // Default mood, nothing yet because we didn't do the request
    loading: false, // Loading state
    day: "monday" // Monday as default because it was monday when i wrote this lesson

  getMood = async () => {
    this.setState({loading: true}); // Loading is now true because we are starting the request process

    const req = await fetch("" +; // Call to the unexistent API
    const mood = await req.text(); // Get the response

    this.setState({ mood, loading: false }); // Saving the mood and restore loading state to false

  render() {
    const { mood, loading } = this.state; // Get mood and loading from our state

    return (
      <div className="App">
        <header className="App-header">
          <img src={logo} className="App-logo" alt="logo" />
          <h1 className="App-title">Welcome to my mood</h1>
        <div className="App-intro">
            onChange={event => this.setState({ day: })} // Save the mood to the state when you change options from the select
            <option value="monday">Monday</option>
            <option value="wednesday">Wednesday</option>
            <option value="friday">Friday</option>
          {!!mood && <p>{mood}</p> /* Show the mood if there is one */}
          <button onClick={this.getMood} disabled={loading}> {/* Trigger the mood on click, disable the buton if it's loading */}
            Get mood

export default App;

✍️ Creating a Cypress script

Open package.json and in line 15, inside scripts, below the eject script, paste the following:

"test:integration": "cypress open"


This will let us run Cypress when running npm run test:integration (Tip: The script can be named whatever you want)

🏃‍♂️ Running cypress

Suponiendo que ya termino de instalar, vamos a la terminal nuevamente y ejecutamos:

npm run test:integration

After some seconds a new window will pop up telling us that some default and example files were created.


💅Configuring Cypress

The only thing that we need to configure in Cypress is our base URL, so open cypress.json and replace it’s content with:

  "baseUrl": "http://localhost:3000"

(If your app URL is different just put yours)

✏️ Writing our tests

First things first, go to cypress/integration and remove the example test and create a new one called mood.test.js, inside it past the following code:

describe("Mood", () => {
  // Cypress and native web fetch are not friends yet so we need this hack to let Cypress stub our network calls
  before(function() {
    Cypress.on("window:before:load", win => {
      win.fetch = null;

  beforeEach(function() { // This will be executed before each call (duh)
    cy.server(); // Telling Cypress we will use it's server

    cy.route("GET", "/mood/monday", "😰"); // Telling Cypress that each call to /mood/monday, should return 😰
    cy.route("GET", "/mood/wednesday", "😐"); // Telling Cypress that each call to /mood/monday, should return 😐"
    cy.route("GET", "/mood/friday", "😃"); // Telling Cypress that each call to /mood/monday, should return 😃

    cy.visit("/"); // Navigate to App root

  it("should show a sad if it's monday", () => {
    cy.get("[name='days']").select("monday"); // Seleccionamos monday de nuestro listado de days

    cy.contains("Get mood").click(); // Clicking the Get mood button

    cy.contains("😰"); // Check if the app has a 😰

  it("should show a neutral if it's wednesday", () => {
    cy.get("[name='days']").select("wednesday"); // Seleccionamos wednesday de nuestro listado de days

    cy.contains("Get mood").click(); // Clicking the Get mood button

    cy.contains("😐"); // Check if the app has a 😐

  it("should show a happy if it's friday", () => {
    cy.get("[name='days']").select("friday"); // Seleccionamos friday de nuestro listado de days

    cy.contains("Get mood").click(); // Clicking the Get mood button

    cy.contains("😃"); // Check if the app has a 😃

👟 Running our tests

Back in Cypress main screen, click on mood.test.js and wait for the tests to complete.

🎉 Done!

Congrats! Now you have your small app tested with Cypress

🗣 And now?

Our tests pass!, but our app doesn’t work, this is because our server doesn’t exists, Cypress is simulating it, if you want to make it work, you can try with micro or json server, but this is out of this lesson 😛

Cypress has a lot of cool things to try, you can find more information on it’s 📚documentation



Frontend Developer @Vercel | Ambassador

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